The Pulse of A Petal

I dissolve in the potpourri
A green leaf amidst dead petal
Lost men flock the streetcar
And only I fight for the aisle
Knowing far too well that the bespectacled windows
Shall turn some blind in a while
For the tapestry towns
Stitched with dancing lights
Is not for them to claim
Who lick the darkness between two tungsten tongues
And know no aftertaste to blame
But the raindrop feet on cobbled streets
Paper skin behind display glass
Torn faces through the Venetian Blinds
A world watered in a vase
Are all akin
To a bargained win
For those with mundane affair
Of humble hands with seawater veins
Wading waves of deep despair
But I of charlatan choice
Of parched lips moisturised with the mud
I know far too well of flowerpots
And the fate of dreaming bud
So I dissolve in the potpourri
A green leaf amidst dead petal
Growing gardens beneath empty graves
Waiting for the dust to settle

One Drop Of A Lifetime

Would I sleep tonight
Knowing you have slept too
Tucked into blankets without borders
Dreaming of everything new
Would I sleep tonight
Knowing you have a mirror beside your bed
Which answers all your questions
With everything I left unsaid
Would I sleep tonight
Knowing we shan’t grow old
Share wrinkles in the grey of night
As we did lips in the days of gold
Would I sleep tonight
Knowing our fingers won’t anymore entwine
For yours are ash upon the altar
And I have ceased to saw my own as mine
Would I sleep tonight
Knowing you have slept too
Tucked into blankets without borders
Dreaming of everything new