Lapis Lazuli

I wish I could be the colour blue
Not sapphire or cerulean
But something old
And something new
As if waves of the ocean
Are carrying pieces of the sky
Moonlight and stardust
Dipped in indigo dye
A deeper azure
A cobalt that will fade
Part turquoise, part teal
Your shade, your shade…

Author: TheHumanAnvil

I find poetry as a gentle reminder, a medium to relay and dwell upon all things considerate people find inconsiderate. Poetry as an art is akin to a lamp or a magnifying glass. It trails volumes of meaning behind obscure, vague words. I have been writing for a time now, and intend to do so for the time to come. And hopefully, hopefully, hope that one day, someday, a person stumbling across this veil of words, find it alluring enough to shift aside the curtain and peer, into the eyes of the naked truth which sways with the wind of reason. If you have any thoughts, it would be my pleasure to know them, if you don't then it would be a pleasure to not. Be my guest. This feast of words is for you.

2 thoughts on “Lapis Lazuli”

  1. Ahhhhh, I love blue and more than that, I love this verse!!!!! The shade blue has never been so well understood or so well represented. Justice done to my favourite shade!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

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    1. Blue is the new red…It’s the colour of love for the poets…for those who search and yearn to get lost in the unattainable heights of the sky or the unreachable depths of the ocean…It’s the shade of man’s mortal eternity, our little morsels of paradise 💙…And as a cherry (blueberry) on top…it’s your favourite shade ☺️

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