
Every poet wants to be painter
And every painter a poet
It is the faint mist
Between words and things visible
Where great minds
Are led astray,
You can say
From the paper bouquet of your everyday life
From the half chewed pencil of your clerical nights;
That I with my bedroom lights
Turned off
Am turned on
By the slow shape
And soft luminescence of the moon
But that would be, probably
A crescent quote;
Lying halfway between truth and lie
And even though it may soothe
The immediate argument
Like bolt of the door
Thoughts would come knocking
One midnight at a time
Till madness makes me forget my heartbeat
And remember only the soft taps
The gentle creaks
Of those faint footsteps
Dim lit corridors of my conscience
Asking to be heard
To be understood
But in my fragmented prophecies;
At the altar of my falsehood
I am an orphan
Asked to adopt my parents
And I am in a mood to err
To give over to the permanent suffocation
Of savoury sadness
That comes from cold hugs
In a stuffed room
Filled with trophies and dolls
Framed history on the walls
And the pitter patter of acid rain
On the window at dinner time
For the cusp of my boyhood
Was never crossed by me
It appears I shed
My skin on the bed
And awoke
An old man
With childish desires
Of milk and marmalade
At the corner of my lips
And though it is said
That I have grown and growing
Into a man the world can count upon
I hardly know the numbers
To make it count
The stillness of my dreams
Is a motion sickness;
And I am diving against the gravity
Unable to comprehend
Home from horizon
While the pivot of my existence
Is a spinning top
Balanced upon a raindrop
Being painted by a poet
Who writes for his pain to stop


It is the morning after
And I awake as an origami undone
Only yesterday I had her arm on my chest
With mine anchored round her waist
Balancing our seesaw soul
Making whole
Those pieces we planted
Like bookmarks to find
The stories we memorised
Keeping in mind
Going almost insane
Being blinded by pain
Once kayaking in chaos
To feel alive again

Now I watch my face shiver
In the ether of her eyes
Now I am fire cold with fever
Falling on the rise
She is here
She is mine
She has no say to say
Far near
Dear divine
So I kneel but not to pray
Now I watch her face shiver
In the ether of my eyes
Now I am fire with her fever
She is falling when I rise

But I dare not confess that I dreamt of her
In the early hours of last night
For that would be blasphemy
My being alone
With only her memory
Drenched monochromes
Some charcoal art
Of me painting her toenails pink
And she murmuring shape of my heart
Waiting for the words to sink

For her voice is my hymn in exile
And here I wander, mile by mile
A broken kite
Dead dynamite
Waiting for her mirage to draw me closer
Towards sun kissed horizons
Across daydreaming dunes
And purple fields
Of my pulsing past
Through this desert vast, desolate and slow
I search for her
As the seconds grow

I can see her white hands over black countertop
Passing pepper into the pot
Waiting for me to finish my worship of her
Waiting for me to open the refrigerator
And take half a dozen eggs to scramble
To toss and turn
The yolk and white
In the shade of the dim light
Wafting from her seashell skin
With wafer thin petrichor
Of our last night’s rain
(Did I drown in her hair?
Did my gasps made her growl?
Did we swim in stolen silence?
Did our motions knew our goal?
To be, to be
Half mad in ecstasy
The sea falling apart
At the lips of an estuary)

The dress does to her
What dust does to a diamond
But she knows it not
Even when I beg; a child in disguise
To breathe over her facets
Between her navel and her thighs
But she laughs and she turns
Like flower between ferns
She waxes into full moon
And I am a candle that ever burns
To ignite at her sight
To surrender without a fight
To be answer to her questions
Which were never answered right

The Silver In My Song

The broken flowers they fell at my feet
Gold and silver, ebony and peat
And I knew not where this road may lead
Will I find in the end what I need
And I need...
A silence in the shape of the sun
A bit of violence with the face of a nun
And someone who won't turn and run
When I face down the barrel of a gun
But hear now...
I don't have a penny to pay as your price
I spend my nights cold and filled up on rice
And I know my heart is my own greatest vice
Always afraid that my love won't suffice
You can see...
Out there those houses of princes and kings
Whilst I can only shelter you neath my own wings
And I have no diamonds to tie our rings
Just the hollow of my chest to rest your sufferings
So beware...
Of my sweet words that may seduce and sway
They only ache so to take you away
And keep you happy come what it may
We will be children till our hair turn grey
But I know...
This poem seems just a practice in rhymes
And does not cover the cost of past crimes
But I shall spend every penny and all of my dimes
For our today and the end of our times
Never forgive if you want but don't forget
The magic of those moments we met
And I wonder if it's my heart you now so hate
But wasn't our love written by the hands of the fate?
Thus I say…
The broken flowers they fell at my feet
Gold and silver, ebony and peat
And I knew not where this road may lead
Will I find in the end what I need
And I need…

The Mist of My Mornings

Why cry about things you can laugh at
Said the quote on my bathroom mirror
It wasn’t funny
I thought
And smiled to myself

The nights have been short
Or perhaps it was I who has been stretched thin
Between two impossibilities
Of being here and being there
An almost everywhere
Every thought of mine now
Feels like a bullet through the brain
The very last; and in a way everlasting
But new ones creep out
Out of this philosophical yeast
Growing in the dark keeps of my mind
Nurtured with cold sweat
And self taught paralysis

The toothpaste tastes funny
Like old age
These are those days of winter
When sadness feels warm
Like a hug or a cup of coffee
Something to snuggle into and fall asleep
Sadness; the elixir of a dying man
Sadness, yes
And melancholy (Pretty word)
Made of me and the unholy:
Thoughts, dreams, desires
Snails creeping on a wet wire

I remember a time
When I dreamt of being a dog
And lie on the carpet
Of fallen leaves
Dogs can dream, can’t they? (Yes)
And so I dreamt of being a dog
To come full circle
A perfection
My being complete
A zero

The wind from the window
Touches my face
And I blush;
Love is in the air
Or is it despair?
How can one compare?
When being utterly unaware…
(I rhymed on purpose
For they say poetry must taste like a painting)
I gargle and gag
There is blood in my spit
A rose line
Branching out like a symphony
Clarinet and timpani
Violins and bassoons
Bach and Beethoven
Mozart who died too soon
The tap turns
A thunder
The tap turns
All silence

Good morning


My finger on the window 
Made a rainbow in the dust
And I could see my watered down mirage
Gasping in surprise
Laughter; a dry mist
From the flesh of my throat
As if my heart knew the humour
Was the one that I wrote
(I wonder if the people sitting at the table
Can hear, discern, decode, confirm)

I should have worn socks
It’s cold;
The floor, the walls, the ceiling
The curtains, the furniture, the feeling
Should I wear it now?
My toes are already numb
And the ankles ache
Yes, a mistake
To wear it now
Better to regret not wearing it at all
Than knowing the comfort I lost
It won’t solve
As such

It is December
I do not remember the last December
Or the one before
All the memories of past winters
Are glued together
I was alone then
In more ways than one
Incomplete, high strung
To come easily undone
But not anymore…

She came from far
The horizon was her home
I knew her reflection
Was same as my own
Yet the ocean between us
This sapphire separation
Was daunting, nigh haunting
With adrift ships and lost anchors
And mad sailor men upon the shore
And lighthouses blinking
“Advance No More”

We sell paper boats now
Made of torn poetry
And write poems upon onion peels
And ripe tomatoes
It’s beautiful
The fragrance of homemade chicken
And her smile
And that nodding head
And the dancing waist
She is happy
So am I
This December
So am I…

The Cold Sun of Midnight

I sleep upon the windowpane 
And the glass cracks under my face
Like lightning from my breath
The night below is strange;
Captured stars howling
On streets and in houses
As people dance
To hide the shadow of their shame
I can smell their perfume here
Thirty stories high
Scent filled with lost sleep and sadness
It numbs me
My throat, my voice
And I choke without a choice
(Should I shift? Should I turn?
I do…and the thunder swims to my belly
The glass gasps
But the shattering never comes)

Sound of a million footsteps
Collapse into a single chord
Time’s thread
This linear, pinpoint eternity
Do I merge or do I dare
Far foolish when being aware
That there are no ripples in the ocean
Just reflections of the air
Lives, candles
Last days in wreath
Desire turned dream
Dream turned to death

I now see the eyelashes
Left by a lost time
For cinders on the shore
For hearts saying no more
For children born sans choice
Once people now toys
And so the dying swans dance
Vying for a chance
To nibble the breadcrumbs
Of broken down plans
And I, this vain, stitched flesh in pain
Lie supine, and divine, my tears through rain
And sing against the chorus
Those verses that say
Ask and you shall get
And to get you must pray
As if prayers are questions
As if questions would find a way
As if ways would take me home
As if home is for what I pray

So I await
Under the cold sun of midnight
Watching myself
Falling out of sight
First a man
Then a memory
Now a stranger
Forever a stray
A silhouette
Some shadow
All silence
Is what I say


I rest my faults on my tongue
And though it is textured as glass
The taste is of raspberry
Or blood
I fail to distinguish
My throat hurts
From the cuts
The bed is warm
Like unwavering ash
Like a tired pyre
And I search with numb fingers
My eyes; closed now
For this is a dream
I am not dead
For this is a dream
There is no bed
The room I wake up to is all ochre
And I am naked waist up
Breath fills my belly
And I shiver as the cold air claims my hunger
My lungs, this ribcage holding together
Heartbeats tearing to escape
Stands out
Like fingers from my skin
I am a man no more
Just random thoughts on a paper
And my infinitesimal existence
Like rings of rising vapour
I remember being beautiful
I remember being a being
I remember writing those lyrics
Which no man could ever sing
But it is cold now
And I feel I am too old to be young
Now it is cold
And I know I am too young to be old
The winter is at the window
And it is not going to wait
The fire is long gone
Now I am just a butterfly under the blanket
And I would have closed my eyes
Had the pillow not snored back
Whispering to me
All the things that I lack
Privy to my dreams
It does so on my behalf
So when my dream does shatters
I am not alone when I laugh

Part-time Philosophies

The ocean does not speak of sadness
For sadness has no voice that can say
That being empty is like being filled forever
An infinite without a way
And when I with my eyes look out
At a world where each face has a place
I wonder who really wins
If it’s in a circle that everyone does race
True it is tragic that in the end
There is no magic that holds all the cards
For his is the glory of the game
Who plays his joker as ace when it’s hard
And I know in this mesmerizing madness
For the follicle of that forever fame
People play their pieces for practice
Unaware that they will never be the same
And so do I yearn to sit
By the shore where horizons do cease
And thank the seed of silence
For this life that I had on a lease